Head of Head of Security agencies have pledge to work together to ensure the peace of the nation is sustained.
According to them, their allegiance is to the sovereignty of the nation and that they will work in safeguarding the peace and unity of Ghana.
Chief of Defense Staff, Brigadier General Oppong Peprah, Inspector General of Police, Dr. George Akufo Dampare, Director General, Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Chief Fire Officer, Head of the Ghana Prisons Service, Head of the Ghana Immigration office and others were all in attendance.
Speaking on behalf of the security, Chief of Defense Staff B. G Oppong Peprah said their collaboration has led to the stability of the country.
“We’ve been working together as a team , meeting all complex challenges of the security environment. By Working together as a team, we’ve been able to keep the security of this country stable and quiet.
Mr president I want to assure you that we’re going to continue with even greater zeal to ensure we maintain the security and stability of this country.” he stressed
Adding that the security architecture will continue to remain professional and committed to help the President achieve his dream of resetting Ghana.
“We want to assure you of our loyalty, professionalism and dedication. We want to assure you of our unflinching support and dedication to duty and make sure that we help you to achieve or realize your dream of resetting Ghana”
They used the occasion to also congratulate President Mahama for his re-election
“We are here to join our voices with the good people of Ghana and the international community to congratulate you on the assumption of office as president and commander in chief of the Ghana armed Forces”