Court accepts Richard Jakpa’s audio recording as evidence in ambulance case

Accra High Court, which is hearing the case against Minority Leader, Dr Caisel Ato Forson, and two others for causing financial loss to the state in the purchase of ambulances, has admitted the tape recording between Attorney-General, Godfred Yeboah Dame and businessman, Richard Jakpa into evidence.

The ruling on Thursday, June 13, followed an intense debate over the admissibility of the controversial recording, which has sparked widespread public and media interest.

The audio, which surfaced online last month, captures conversations between the Attorney General and Japka discussing sensitive legal matters, but the office of the Attorney General rejected the relevance of the audio to the main trial.

Critics argue that the content of the recording could have far-reaching implications for the ongoing legal proceedings and the integrity of the justice system.

The presiding judge, Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe ruled that the audio would be considered valid evidence, emphasizing that it goes to the root of the motives behind the prosecution’s case, as averred by A1 in his application for a mistrial.

“This recording provides crucial insights into the case,” the judge emphasized, adding that she would attach the necessary weight to the evidence when delivering the final judgment.

The Attorney General’s office, alongside the 3rd accused, Richard Japka, has been under the spotlight since the leak.

Critics and supporters alike have debated the legality and ethical implications of the audio’s content and its potential impact on current affairs. The decision by the High Court to admit this evidence marks a pivotal moment in the case, potentially influencing its outcome.

The Attorney General’s office has yet to release an official statement regarding the High Court’s decision. However, sources close to the office indicate that there will be a formal response addressing the implications of this new development.



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