A/R: Nonpayment of compensation stalls Konongo bypass road project

Contractors working on the Konongo bypass road project in Ashanti Region are still having issues with affected farmers whose properties are within the road corridor and have not received their compensation.

The construction firms have suggested to the Ghana Highways Authority to speed up the process of payment.

From Wednesday 8th May, 2024 to Friday, 10th May, 2024 the affected farmers invaded the site from 6:00am to 6:00pm each day with weapons.

They burnt tyres to block the road and prevented works from being carried out.

Sources tell our news team that, Juaso Police was called in to protect equipment and workers of the construction firms.

The 15.4km Konongo bypass , are part of ongoing efforts by government to dualize the Accra-Kumasi highway to help reduce vehicular traffic ad accidents as well as enhance the free movement of goods and people.

Where the road pass through the centre of the town, has become traffic bottlenecks for travelers.

So far, the contractors have completed the clearing of road alignment and are progressing with the construction of culverts, bridges, box culverts, pipe culverts and earth works.

These were revealed when the Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon Simon Osei Mensah, toured the project site to find out progress of work.

The consultant for the project, Ing Eric Prah Mensah was concerned about the government’s inability to pay compensation to the affected farmers and property owners.

He appealed to government to fast track the payment of compensation to persons affected by the project to speed up work.

He said delay in paying compensation to such persons was affecting the progress of work, which could threaten timely completion of the project.

He did not disclose how much was involved, but said a list of the affected persons, including their details had been submitted to the Ministry of Finance.

“Our challenge has been the yet to be paid compensation to the project affected persons. We have submitted the estimates to the Ministry of Finance but nothing has been done and because of that such people are not giving us access to some areas we earmarked for the project,” he said.

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon Simon Osei Mensah, expressed satisfaction with the progress of the work.

He said the completion of the project will help reduce traffic congestion on the Konongo township.

“This morning, we all saw the extent of traffic congestion on that particular section of the road. This will alleviate us from going through such situation,” he said.


Source: 3news.com

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