NDC will win by 52% if the polls were held today – Asiedu Nketia

The National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia has stated that the NDC will emerge victorious if the national elections were held today.

According to him, while the party is certain about victory, it is primarily concerned about ensuring a transparent electoral process without disruptions.

Speaking to JoyNews on Thursday, May 23, he said, “Our message has been accepted. The two parties have been tried. There are opinion polls that have been churned out and everything points to a one-touch victory for NDC. But as has been said by some Russian president that, those who vote decide nothing but those who count the vote decide everything.”

“So we are focusing on those who will be counting the vote and those who will be providing security to make sure that elections proceed uninterrupted. So that is where our focus is.”

Mr Nketia stated that multiple credible polls, apart from the local ones, support the NDC’s projected victory.

“That is the source of our confidence. We are winning 52% as of this month. If free and fair elections should be conducted, we should win 52% and that is a one-touch win.”

The NDC National Chairman called on the Electoral Commission (EC) to address concerns regarding the missing Biometric Verification Readers (BVRs).

He argued that the EC should be transparent and respond to the demands, as doing so would resolve outstanding disagreements and restore confidence in the electoral processes.

“They have every capacity to respond to those demands without creating any problems. The fact that they are refusing to open up is a source of worry and it will continue to be a source of worry. I think that, if they don’t have anything to hide, opening up would have resolved this matter a long time ago,” Mr Nketia added.


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