A certain GFA official says I have no right to expose their unconscionable and lootocratic US$8.5million Black Stars budget.
He can rave, bark, howl, growl, roar and rant but nothing will stop me from demanding full accountability.
When as a Member of Parliament I see thousands of my beloved constituents go to bed each night in tents because of VRA’s catastrophic spillage from the Akosombo and Kpong dams, and when after 5 long months government and VRA callously claim they don’t have money to construct resettlement homes for my people; good conscience cannot permit me to be silent and watch evil triumph.
Our fellow compatriots including women, the aged and children would not have to live in tents donated by the US government and the Red Cross if they had GHS105million to replace their damaged homes.
My beloved constituents have done nothing wrong to deserve this; rather, they are going through all these suffering, indignity and destitution so the Akosombo and Kpong dams would be preserved for the entire nation to enjoy electricity.
This struggle is about JUSTICE and no one can intimidate us.
I salute the group of courageous and patriotic sports journalists who have today formally notified the police of their intention to demonstrate on the 14th of February, 2024. My displaced persons and I shall be joining this protest.
We shall remain resolute and relentless in the pursuit of justice, probity, transparency and accountability.
For God and Country.
Ghana First