Pace set for NDC’s resounding triumph in Madina – Fauzia Sorogho

A Branch Women Organiser of the opposition National democratic Congress (NDC) in South London, Fauzia Amadu Sorogho has urged the members of the party in the Madina Constituency to work hard and secure victory for the party in the next presidential and parliamentary elections on december 7, 2024.

He said the amicable resolution of issues between the MP for the area, Hon. Frances Xavier Sosu and his contender during the last primary, Prince Moses Zakari must urge all party members to rally support for the party’s activities in the constituency and ensure the MP retains the seat.

In a statement, Fauzia, a daughter of a former MP for Madina, Alhaji Bukari Amadu Sorogho, commended the party executives for working to unite the party.

Below is the statement;

“Pace Set for NDC’s Resounding Triumph in Madina!

As a proud member of the Madina Constituency, I am thrilled to witness our constituency blazing the trail for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) ahead of the 2024 elections. The amicable resolution of issues between Hon. Frances Xavier Sosu and Hon. Prince Moses Zakari is a testament to our party’s unwavering commitment to peace and unity.

Hon. Prince Moses Zakari’s selfless decision to step down and prioritize the greater good of the NDC is a shining example of leadership, sacrifice, and dedication to our party’s success.

His courage has inspired a united front in Madina, and we are grateful for his instrumental role in uniting our constituency for victory 2024. To his team, we say thank you for making this difficult decision easier.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our constituency executives, council of elders, and former member of parliament, Hon. Sorogo, for their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in creating a stronghold for the NDC in Madina.

Honorable Sorogo, your leadership and commitment to our party’s growth and development are truly inspiring.
Your tireless efforts and negotiations with Zak to achieve this successful reconciliation, with the interest of the party at heart, have played a major role in this great achievement.

We also acknowledge the instrumental role played by Mr. Fuseni Chokosi in achieving this unity and the conflict resolution team, comprising Captain Sanda, Professor Joshua Alabi, and others, for their exceptional skill and diplomacy in resolving the issue peacefully.

To the youth of Madina, we urge you to emulate the exemplary leadership demonstrated by our senior members. Let us work together to ensure a resounding victory for the NDC in 2024. We must put aside tribal and religious politics and unite for the greater good of the NDC.

Madina has shown us the way, and victory is assured. Let us follow suit and ensure a triumphant 2024 for the NDC. Thank you, Madina, for leading the charge! Together, we shall emerge victorious and build a brighter future for all.

Branch executives, ward executives, constituency executives, let us rally for victory in Madina! We shall triumph! Long live the NDC, long live Ghana!

Writer: Fauzia Amadu Sorogho
South London Branch Women Organiser
UK-Ireland NDC”

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