Police stop Yvonne Nelson from holding dumsor vigil near Jubilee House

The Greater Accra Regional Police Command has asked popular Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson to change the location of her vigil against erratic power supply in the country from the Jubilee House enclave to another venue.

The organizers of the #DumsorMustStop vigil on Wednesday, May 14 met the Accra Police Commander, DCOP Mr Annor Kwasi Arhin, in his office to negotiate the venue for the protest slated for May 25 but the meeting was inconclusive as the organisers insisted on the advertised venue, the Revolution Square which is opposite the seat of Government.

The commander told the leadership of the #DumsorMustStop protest, including Yvonne Nelson, Selorm Dramani Dzramado, and Henry Osei Akoto, to consider relocating the protest venue and adjusting the timing for the street  demonstration, citing public order and security issues.

Recognizing potential risks to public defense, order, and safety, the Command recommended relocating the protest to the Independence Square.

Additionally, the Command highlighted apprehensions regarding the proposed timing of 12 midnight for the conclusion of the protest.

They cautioned that such timing could compromise security measures and escalate tensions, potentially leading to violence.

Therefore, they advised the protest organizers to adjust the timing accordingly.

The organisers agreed to hold the protest from 2pm to 10pm instead of the advertised time – 8am to 12 midnight– but rejected the request to change the converging venue from the Revolution Square to the Independence Square.

Henry Osei Akoto told press men that the erratic power supply was affecting businesses and Ghanaians as a whole, stressing that the venue they chose was to get President Nana Akufo-Addo to hear the frustrations of the suffering masses.

“We will continue to insist on the advertised location because it looks like the president does not want to believe the frequent power cuts are happening everyday and affecting businesses,” he said in Akan.

He said since the meeting was inconclusive, they will return to the Accra Regional Police Headquarters on Friday to continue.

“We won’t compromise on the venue since it is a significant location,” he added.

On her part, Yvonne Nelson stated that the incessant power cuts (Dumsor) were affecting  her “day care business” and her health.

Just as she led Ghanaians in 2015 to protest against a similar power challenges, she was not backing down on her resolve to hitting the streets again to drum home her message.


Source: Myxyzonline.com


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