Stan Dogbe shreds Asaase Radio”s Wilberforce A Asare over ‘tabloid’ reportage to please his desperate paymasters

This Wilberforce A. Asare guy and his boss, Nenyi George Andah, are gradually demonstrating that they are a danger to Ghana’s democracy and will not hesitate to plunge this beautiful country into chaos once they satisfy their political masters.

Their audacious creation and propagation of falsehoods is a stark display of their readiness to operate in the shadows, fostering conflict and peril.

They show a blatant disregard for the truth, not hesitating to publish false stories; they concoct themselves to mislead their audience. This confirms the true intentions behind establishing their media outlet, which is a cause for concern for all of us who value honest and reliable information.

If you follow politics in Ghana, who does not know that the NDC and John Mahama were on a 4-day campaign in the Upper East Region, which ended on Tuesday? Was Mahama in the Northern Region?

And just because you heard Mahama announce his next stop as the Volta Region, you have to run and churn out another false story.

Of course, we now know that the station was not set up to operate as an ethical and responsible media institution, but do you have any conscience, George Andah and Wilberforce? And we are told that Wilberforce is a pastor? God save our souls, indeed.

No wonder their NPP followers do not consider Asaase in Accra and their affiliates credible and prefer not to listen to them. Just check their growth over the years since they started operations… Do they think going the tangent of broadcasting and publishing false news about John Mahama is what will help them?

Mahama and Naana Jane are trustworthy; they are an experienced pair, and they have and continue to outline solutions to the problems your Bawumia and Akufo-Addo have bestowed on us, and your lies won’t help your Bawumia’s campaign in any way.

Of course, in a country with partisan political leadership at the National Media Commission, no state institution will be bothered by such acts; Asaase, George Andah, and Wilberforce are emboldened to continue their nation-wrecking activities.

Mahama met the media in Bolgatanga this morning. If your candidate can, send him to meet the press and stop spreading thrash.

If only we were in a serious country…

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