Ato Foson files injunction against ongoing Ambulance case

Lawyers for Hon. Ato Forson have filed a supplementary affidavit in support of the motion on notice for an order of mistrial, injunction and/or stay of proceedings in the ongoing ambulance case.

The trending *recording* of a telephone conversation between Mr. Jakpa and the dishonorable Attorney-General Godfred Dame, that contains evidence of criminal and prosecutorial misconduct on the part of the AG, has been annexed to the affidavit.

Also, certain quotations contained in some media reports, particularly by *Asaase Radio* that border on professional misconduct on the part of the AG, have been cited and annexed to the process.

Based on the impugned conduct of the AG which stands uncontested, *Hon. Ato Forson is requesting the honorable court to declare a mistrial in the interest of justice,* which must not only be done but be manifestly seen to be done.

The minority leader avers that the Attorney General has embarked on reprehensible and unlawful conduct, conduct unbecoming of an Attorney-General, let alone the Minister for justice, for the sole purpose of securing his conviction.

And that, if the Court were to ignore these rather grave matters to proceed with the trial regardless, that would amount to a real travesty of justice, as the Court would have disregarded credible and cogent claims of misconduct by the Attorney General.

He argues that if a mistrial is not ordered and such blatant disregard for the rule of law and the ethics of prosecution by no mean a person than the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice is glossed over and allowed to pass without any consequences, public confidence in the administration of justice will be adversely affected.

The application is likely to be moved on Tuesday, 4th June, 2024.

Stay tuned for more details…..

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