Disregard the partisan & outrageous order from the Electoral Commission – Omane Boamah orders NDC agents

The Director in charge of Elections and IT of the National Democratic Congress has condemned Anither attempt by the Electoeal Commission to manipulate the electoral register by denying party agents access to witness the ongoing exercise

It has since ordered NDC agents tk disregard a directive by the EC to its officers do block party agents under the guise of preventing clashes

He writes ….

NO gerrymandering!*

The Deputy Chairman Operations of the Electoral Commission (EC) must return the bribe he has taken from the ruling NPP if he has been induced to aid gerrymandering.

What does the EC and the NPP have to hide such that they do not want Agents of political parties to observe the ongoing voter transfer exercise?

Will they stop any legitimate Civil Society Organisation from observing the voter transfer process?

What does the EC have to hide?

We are living in a very volatile electoral environment where the EC has proven to be incompetent at working basic arithmetic to collate the 2020 presidential election results.

Furthermore, in recent times, the EC has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the use of simple Excel to collate the total number of registered voters is more complex than quantum mechanics.

How does the EC expect the NDC and any reasonable Ghanaian to trust that they will be up to the task without checks and balances?

Additionally, how does the EC expect a Returning Officer alone to ascertain the authenticity of the mandatory 12 months or more stay of a voter seeking to transfer his/her vote in our very informal dominant society?

The EC by this directive to stop Agents of political parties from observing the ongoing voter Transfer exercise has once again proven to the NDC that they’re not interested in free, fair, and transparent elections.

As a result, we are directing our agents and regional and constituency executives to disregard this partisan order from the Deputy Chairman Operations of the Electoral Commission.

As agreed at the IPAC meeting (held last week on Wednesday 29th May, 2024 in the presence of Mrs. Jean Adukwei Mensah, the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana), NDC agents must appear at the EC offices tomorrow to safeguard the sanctity of the upcoming elections and the peace of our dear country.

*No gerrymandering!*

Besides, there is no aspect of our electoral laws that explicitly stops agents from observing voter transfer!

Therefore, we shall not allow a few partisanly biased people working at the EC to destroy our cherished democracy!

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