Information Minister, Fatimatu Abubakar pays courtesy call on management of XYZ

Information Minister, Hon. Fatimatu Abubakar on Monday, May 27, 2024 paid a familiarization visit to XYZ Broadcasting Ltd.

The visit, according to her, is intended to open up the Ministry, unlike the recent past, to critical stakeholders, regardless of editorial policies to inform constructive engagements on issues of national interest.

Accompanied by her Deputy, Hon. Sylvester Tetteh, who is also the Member of Parliament for Bortianor-Ngleshie Amanfro constituency in the Greater Accra region, Madam Abubakar emphasized on the need for collaborative effort especially towards the passage of the Broadcasting Bill, which is currently before Cabinet.


She explained that after the passage of the Right to Information Bill, it has become critical for the roles of the National Media Commission, the National Communication Authority and allied agencies to be properly defined, not only for enforcement of regulations but to protect the rights and safety of journalists.

She noted with concern, constraints facing media Houses which by extension affects the welfare of journalists, a critical issue that has informed efforts by the Nana Akufo Addo-Bawumia government to lobby for opportunities.

These include the International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM), a media development fund targeted at independent media institutions.
She said that IFPIM, which will be headquartered in Ghana shall focus on the sustainability, adding that her Ministry will be readily available to assist interested parties in accessing the funds.

On other initiatives, Mad. Abubakar mentioned the launch of the Media Capacity Enhancement Programme (MCEP) adding that 140 journalists have already benefitted.

Fatimatu Abubakar also announced that the 3rd Cohort of the MCEP will commence soon and urged the association to allow their members to participate in the training.

Deputy Information Minister, Sylvester Tetteh on his part called for ethical journalism, regardless of editorial policies in Ghana’s interest. He observed that the level of polarization in the country today, calls for circumspection to protect the peace and development of the country.

In his welcome address, Deputy CEO in charge of Operations, Eric Ahianyo commended the Minister and her deputy for the bold step, which he said was long overdue. He noted with concern, what became obvious was a deliberate decision by her predecessor, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, to black out XYZ Broadcasting Ltd, despite several appeals for accessibility to the Ministry during press briefings.

Mr Ahianyo also condemned the practice where critical opposition media houses are denied adverts despite the fact that XYZ Broadcasting Ltd is a huge platform, after the establishment of Power 97.9 FM and TV XYZ.

He said such discrimination was unfair, counter productive and it was incumbent for government to appreciate the consequences especially in situations where such advertisements are for public interest.

He cited the period of the COVD-19 pandemic, where even during a health crisis, Power 97.9 FM was blacked out by the Health Ministry.

“It was shameful that a media platform as huge as XYZ Broadcasting was not given adverts. Same happened during the Population and Housing Census and even the Electoral Commission will not place adverts here to inform the public. It will only look like a deliberate policy to deny them a chunk of the national cak,” he added

Ahianyo however commended Minister Abubakar for the effort to bring all on board.

Chief Executive Officer of XYZ Broadcasting Ltd, Mr Bernie Anti, thanked the Minister for sharing information about funding platforms and a pledge to include XYZ Broadcasting on its media list.

Mr Anti shared the negative impact of the closure of Radio XYZ, which was the company’s bread basket, a development which led to the loss of staff and the company’s planned expansion since 2017.

Mr Anti said regardless, XYZ Broadcasting had weathered the storm and still an influential platform ready to work closely with the Information Ministry on matters of national interest.

General Manager of Power FM, Mugabe Maase Salifu assured the Ministry of the needed cooperation, despite political differences.

“Ghana is for all of us. Today NPP is in government. Tomorrow NDC will win. No party can stay in power forever. We need to appreciate that and do things that will bring development. We must protect the peace of this country,” he emphasized.

Present were management of XYZ Broadcasting Limited including Deputy CEO in charge of Finance and Administration, WO (rtd) Joseph Dogbe, Kwame Minkah – Head of Political desk, Linda Majitey – Head of Marketing and Client Service, Kelvin Asante- Head of Engineering.




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