Vote for change to save our country – Mahama urges Ghanaians

Former President John Mahama, the flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has declared that the upcoming election is a choice between Ghana’s progress and the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) administration.

He emphasized that the December 7 polls present an opportunity for a “course correction” from the country’s current trajectory, which he described as “disastrous”.

“This election is like no other. It is an election between Ghana and the New Patriotic Party administration. It is an election for change to reset Ghana’s narrative and effect a course
correction from our disastrous trajectory,” stated Mahama who was addressing Ghanaians via his social media platforms.

Dubbed ‘Mahama Conversations’, the live digital session by the opposition leader on Sunday, June 9, was to interact with the Ghanaian youth.

Charging the youth to vote for a change on December 7 due to the economic downturn and wanton dissipation of public resources, said a vote for him and his NDC would bring about a new dawn that would “relieve our people from the hardship and poverty inflicted by President Akufo-Addo and Dr Bawumia’s reckless administration.”

” That change will put Ghana back on a path of progress and prosperity, enabling us to build the Ghana we want,” he added.

Mahama also promised that an NDC government would put Ghana back on the path of progress and prosperity, creating well-paying jobs for the youth through initiatives like the 24-hour economy and other policies outlined in the NDC manifesto.

As the election season heats up, Mahama’s words are likely to energize the NDC base and appeal to undecided voters seeking an alternative to the incumbent government.



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