Election 2024 Rigging Plan Exposed – Dr Omane Boamah writes

Outcomes from the Emergency IPAC Meeting held Yesterday & President Mahama’s Directive

The Electoral Commission is to reconsider their decision on ‘No agents of political parties’ at the centres where the voter transfers are taking place and revert to political parties.

At IPAC, NDC emphasised the need for the EC to prioritise and expedite the decision making process.

Meanwhile, we insisted that our NDC agents will not be withdrawn.


The EC’s reason for asking for withdrawal of agents is that the agents were causing trouble and chaos at the centres. We debunked that assertion and asked the EC to distinguish between causality and causal associations.

Furthermore, note that the NPP supports the EC’s decision not to allow agents at centres to observe the transfers. Obviously to aid NPP’s gerrymandering!

Collusion between EC and NPP!

Thanks to our Eagle Eyes 👀 project,
I have attached a document to show how NPP intends to transfer votes within Ashanti region into what the NPP terms “UNSAFE CONSTITUENCIES”: New Edubiase, Ejura Sekyedumase, Sekyere Afram Plains, Ahafo Ano North and Ahafo Ano South West.

On the EC’s intention to mount outfits on the University campuses for Transfer only to the constituencies where the universities are located:

Those who registered in May 2024 are legally not illegible to transfer. But those who registered in 2023 and 2020 can.

However, IPAC asked the EC to back their desire to mount transfer centres on university campuses with data. The EC agreed to revert.

As President John Dramani Mahama has emphasised, “no amount of collusion between the Electoral Commission and the NPP can rescue the NPP on December 07, 2024.”

Mr. Mahama adds, “We have instructed our party at all levels to continue to be present and observe the transfer process. I challenge the EC leadership to live up to its expected mandate and stop working in the interest of the ruling party.”


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