The Experience on the 4th Floor: What could happen between the ages of 40 and 50

I celebrated my 40th birthday anniversary in a modest but grandstyle. Around this time, I was the Group Managing Director of my own companies, some of which I had over 88% ownership. At this time, I wouldn’t say life was good, but surely there was so much hope for the future.

I’ve companies in banking, finance, asset management, and rural banking; real estate and hospitality, and venture capital funding with hundreds of employees.

I never lived an extravagant life because I was focused on the future, hoping and believing that it was going to be better. I was by all measure a good man who supports all manner of persons be they disadvantaged or not. I kept fate with my social democratic roots and values by supporting that course.

My 1st year on the fourth floor barely ended when the troubles started. Gangs of one particular political party started fabricating stories about my companies belonging to another political party aparachiks. They, therefore, needed to destroy my businesses and other businesses that are considered as belonging to their opponents.

With that agenda, hundreds of businesses were destroyed, and some of their owners subjected to unimaginable levels of psychological trauma and toucher using our own state security institutions which should rather be protecting the citizens.

The end result was that, many people who hitherto were great entrepreneurial minds and risk takers who created employment opportunities for the wider population became indolent, depressed, separated from their families, some of whom even paid with their lives.

On my 40th anniversary, my souvenirs and gift items had the inscription: “Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come.” Eccles 8 vrs7. Indeed, this had played out in the most prophetic and dramatic form. In the end, though, we’re still alive. in fact, we have life.

The journey between the 40th and the 50th has been one of a kind and one that played out in the most unexpected manner, but this time, I’m on the path of recovery, restitution, and restoration.

The state and its institutions, including political parties in power, can take everything from you, even sometimes, including your life, but if it is not the will of God, your story can not be stolen.

I’ve never done this before, but, permit me to wish myself a victorious happy 51st birthday. For the Lord has promised, and He’ll never fail. You may want to sing 🎶 it with me.

God bless you.

*Dr Nene Adams Kortey Asafotei*
_veritas aequitas concordia semper_

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